Automatic Bartender

SirMixABot 'Sixer' 6-Bottle Robotic Bartender The SirMixABot Sixer comes with everything you need to start running your own automated bar, with alcohol and drink 'kits' sold and restocked separately. The bartender comes in the choice of birch or medium density. Drinking is a worldwide sport, so it is no surprise that companies the world over are tinkering with the design of the automated bartender. Each machine will be stocked with chilled bottles of hard liquor, wine, and even beer. A touch screen will allow customers to customize their order, and pay on the spot.

If you’ve ever been to a bar, you know that the only thing worse than the overpriced drinks is the struggle to get the bartender’s attention. Everyone has their own theory on what works: bumping people out of the way, waving money around, yelling, or attempting to look sexy. There is no foolproof method to getting a drink at a crowded bar; that is, until now.

Drinking is a worldwide sport, so it is no surprise that companies the world over are tinkering with the design of the automated bartender. Each machine will be stocked with chilled bottles of hard liquor, wine, and even beer. A touch screen will allow customers to customize their order, and pay on the spot. ID’s would be scanned to prevent fake ID’s and underage drinking. Perfect drinks are dispensed in seconds.

This technology has already been implemented in a few select locations worldwide. It will be interesting to see how the installation of these machines changes the atmosphere of a bar. One would imagine they would make for quite the conversation piece, while lowering wait times and in turn, the tension of the environment. There could be a section designed specifically for the e-bartender, or there could be one built in to each and every table.

Professional bartenders may not be excited to hear about this, but it’s easy to see the mutual benefits for both the business and the consumer. Controlling costs has plagued late night businesses serving alcohol forever. One employee will always make a particular drink a little differently than another, not to mention the issue of tip-seeking bartenders hooking their customers up with a little extra splash. Business owners will, for the first time ever, be able to control exactly how much of their product is being dispensed. With the auto-bartender, businesses can expect to see an increase in profits, and a decrease in the number of free drinks on the company’s tab.

From a consumer standpoint, these machines will eliminate the drink that is too strong or too weak. Engineers envision an adjustable on-screen sliding tab that could select between minimal or maximum amounts of various ingredients. The price paid by the consumer could even be altered accordingly due to a lack of, or increase of an expensive ingredient. It’s not hard to imagine a feature that would monitor how much alcohol a consumer has purchased, and cut off that ID for the night. An automated bartender could link to wi-fi as well, allowing for a taxi to be called for the group.

Will the automation of everything from banking, to shopping, to eating and drinking have an adverse effect on the job market? If our products are made by machines and delivered by machines, where will humans fit in? What long-term implications can you see a device like this having on the world? Can you think of any other facets of life you’d like to see automated?



Automatic Bartender Machine

The quest for the at-home automated bartender has been alive and well for quite some time. Whether it’s a homemade contraption, or technology packed robot bar of the future, there are options available. With different strengths and weaknesses ranging from style to cost, there are a lot of factors to examine. Fortunately SirMixABot captures many of the best features on the market. And better yet, it does so at a reasonable cost. Let’s look at some other creations, and some inspiration sources as well.

Futuristic Finish Automated Bartender: MyFountain XL

The first entry on this list certainly fits the part stylistically. The price tag on the other hand may be beyond most consumer budgets. Digital Beverage’s MyFountain has a digital touch screen panel mounted on the front of it’s stainless steel drink dispenser. From the interface you can order your cocktail, control portions, and even check on maintenance requirements and supply levels.

Automatic Bartender For Sale


The Device is designed to be mounted on top of a mini-fridge containing your liquors, mixers, and distribution lines. To the casual cocktail connoisseur design is certainly out of this world. Unfortunately the unit cost may be as well. Starting around $2,500 the MyFountain XL is a large investment. However, for a truly futuristic look and sleek exterior design it is a great option for those looking to impress.

Get ‘Er Done Automated Bartender: Lazy Drinker

On the other end of the fit-and-finish spectrum is the Lazy Drinker. Advertised as a companion for tailgating and outdoor barbecues, this contraption is appropriately housed in a classic blue and white plastic cooler. It’s mobility factor and laid back approach make it an underdog you just have to appreciate. There are some raw elements to the product, but the creators are still working on the kinks. In a competition between the Lazy Drinker and a human bartender the mechanical mixologist was able to make drinks faster, however the quality of the drinks seemed to suffer. Still, it could be a great fit for a football game. Pending fundraising we could be hearing more about this product in the near future.

DIY Automated Bartender: BaR2D2

Automated Bartender For Sale


Online throughout YouTube, forums, and photos there are a ton of creative cocktail contraptions. BaR2D2 is one that sticks out as both a unique concept and a great execution. Unfortunately this is a one-off that is not available for purchase. But the step-by-step build from concept drawings, to drivetrain sourcing, to final assembly is all very inspiring. Combining Star Wars and mixed drinks is a great formula in our book. We’re glad to see this mobile barbot recognized in the community.

We designed SirMixABot as an all-around performer, that combines a hands-on, customization design with a polished fit-and-finish suitable for any home or office. A robot bartender should be able to consistently and precisely mix your favorite drinks, and do so in an entertaining manner. We believe SirMixABot is the perfect blend of these factors, and with open ears towards future versions and additions, we know we have a great automated bartender for any crafty mixologist.