Josh Swiller

‘Bright Shining World’ by Josh Swiller, released in November, is just what the world needs to bury 2020 and crawl its way back to its bright shining self. It’s a fun, fast-moving story that hums with the rare science-fictiony joie de vie of a great 80’s movie. Josh Swiller A graduate of Yale University, Josh Swiller has had a wide variety of careers: forest ranger, carpenter, slipper salesman, raw food chef, Zen monk, journalist, and teacher, among other things. In August 2005, he had successful surgery for a cochlear implant and partially recovered his hearing.

“The gentlest thing in the world overcomes the hardest thing in the world.” -Tao Te Ching
Josh swiller the unheard

Restrictions cause discomfort and pain. Accidents, illnesses, trauma, shock, abuse, anxiety, pregnancy and birth, aging -- all these can create restrictions in our systems leaving us with everything from a feeling of just being “off” to deep chronic pain.

With Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, restrictions in the membranes around the brain and spinal cord are released, as well as restrictions on other levels, opening the flow of cerebrospinal fluid and allowing the central nervous system and the entire body and spirit to move into new levels of health and wellness.

Josh Swiller Ithaca


Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is helpful at all stages of life, from week-old newborns experiencing birth trauma and latching difficulties to 95 year-olds finding new ways to relate to their changing bodies. Infants integrate into this world with more ease and safety, toddlers release shock and deep fears, and adults process and release anxiety, depression, sexual abuse, head injuries, surgical trauma, post-partum physical and emotional states, injuries from car accidents and other trauma, and grief (to name just a few).


Josh Swiller The Unheard


Josh Swiller Author

Beneath all these restrictive states our powerful and gentle and shining health is waiting to help us heal. In Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, we give it the space to do so.