Steam Lunar Sale 2021

  • GameSpot - Steam's 2021 Lunar New Year Sale kicked off today and runs until February 15. The first major Steam sale of 2021 is here: The Steam Lunar New Year Sale has begun, offering thousands of game deals for PC gamers to take advantage of. Unlike some Steam sales that run for two weeks, the Steam Lunar New.
  • Steam is well known for its periodical sales, auctioning off games at a discounted price for gamers to snap up and possibly never even play. If that sound like yourself, we have good news, details are now emerging about the 2021 Lunar New Year sale for Steam.
  1. Winter Sale Steam
  2. Steam Lunar Sale 2021 Best Deals
  3. Steam Lunar Sale 2021 Best Deals

Best Steam Lunar Sale Game Deals (2021) – Cyberpunk 2077, Mass Effect Legendary Edition, Death Stranding, Doom Eternal And More on Sale Rahul Majumdar February 12, 2021.

It was only a few weeks ago that we were in the midst of the Steam Winter Sale, and now we seem to approaching the kick off to a new one. Like many other platform holders, Valve is expected to host a Lunar New Year Sale on Steam this year, and if you’ve got your eye on a game, you’re probably best off waiting to buy it, as that sale is rumored to kick off very soon.

How soon? Tomorrow, if SteamDB’s prediction is correct. According to SteamDB, the 2021 Steam Lunar New Year Sale is slated to begin on Thursday, February 11th at 1 PM EST/10 AM PST. It’s important to remember that these times have not been confirmed by Valve itself and that this start time is based on leaks and unconfirmed information, so keep that in mind.

The @Steam Lunar New Year Sale 2021 will run from 11th February to 15th.

Leaked from an email to Steam partners, and you know, the Chinese New Year is on 12th 😉


— Steam Database (@SteamDB) January 14, 2021

With that said, SteamDB is generally pretty accurate when it comes to predicting Steam sales, and Valve has hosted Lunar New Year Sales in the past. With the Year of the Ox beginning on Friday, February 12th, the timing is certainly right for Valve’s 2021 Lunar New Year Sale.

All things considered, this is going to be a rather brief sale. While Valve’s Summer and Winter Sales last for weeks, the Lunar New Year Sale will be wrapping up on Monday, February 15th, giving you the weekend to make any purchases you’re considering. Just as well, this sale will likely be smaller in scope than the Summer and Winter Sales, so don’t be shocked if a game you’ve had your eye on doesn’t get a big discount this time around.

So, we’ll see tomorrow if SteamDB’s predictions pan out (which they likely will). Whether it’s tomorrow or some other day this week, we’ll let you know when the 2021 Steam Lunar New Year Sale kicks off, so stay tuned for more.

Story Timeline


Welcome to our 2021 Lunar Sale, which starts today on our eshop and will run until the 15th of February at 15:00GMT. In addition and for the whole period of the sale, please enjoy all the aircraft and maps that we have to offer for free. Discover something new and don’t miss the opportunity of picking up a great deal.

Our Lunar Sale 2021 has started and will run until the 15th of February 15:00GMT. We will also take part in the Steam Lunar New Year sale. Most modules are offered with a 50% discount.

Modules with a 30% discount:

Winter Sale Steam

  • P-47D Thunderbolt

  • The Channel

  • F/A-18C Hornet

  • F-16C Viper

  • A-10C II Tank Killer

  • Supercarrier


  • F-14A/B Tomcat will have a 15% discount

  • JF-17 Thunder will be only $59.99

  • New Campaigns are not on sale

  • DCS: Syria

Steam Lunar Sale 2021 Best Deals

The Free to Play event will commence shortly and will give you free access to all the aircraft and maps we have to offer for the next ten days. We have put together a trailer showcasing what’s in store for 2021, please check out our 2021 Lunar Sale trailer.

Steam Lunar Sale 2021 Best Deals